You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Last Used Numbers

Edit Company - Edit - Last Used Numbers

The Enter Last Used Numbers screen shows the last used numbers for the various transactions that are performed in Micronet, e.g. invoice numbers, credit note numbers and backorder numbers. These are effectively the starting points for each transaction type. Micronet automatically updates these numbers as users process transactions. However, if there is a problem with the numbering for a particular transaction type, you can use this screen to reset the last used number. You can also use it to enter a last used number when you first switch on automatic numbers for a specific transaction type.



  1. Select a company to edit.

Refer to "Selecting a Company to Edit"


Micronet displays the Enter Last Used Numbers screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Invoice Number

Micronet displays the last used invoice number. For example, if this field displays 100019, the next invoice number would be 100020. You can change this if required, remembering to enter one number less than what you want the next invoice number to be.


Credit Note Number

Micronet displays the last used credit note number. You can change this if required.


Held Invoice Number

Micronet displays the last used number for held invoices. You can change this if required.


Purchase Order Number

Micronet displays the last used purchase order number. You can change this if required.


Backorder Number

Micronet displays the last used backorder number. You can change this if required.


Stock Transfer Number

Micronet displays the last used stock transfer number. You can change this if required.


Payment Number

Micronet displays the last used payment number for creditor payment transactions. This is a unique audit number that is automatically assigned to every transaction that is sent from MCL to MGL to provide a clear and traceable audit path. Micronet automatically assigns these payment numbers to link a supplier payment to multiple dissections. For example, if you pay four invoices with one cheque (payment), Micronet creates a link from this payment to each invoice paid. This link can be used for reports, inquiries and drilling through your data.

You can change this if required.


Journal Number

Micronet displays the last used number for creditor journal transactions. You can change this if required.


Goods Received Report Page Number

Micronet prints audit reports detailing transactions entered to the ledgers. These reports print as sequential page numbers that can be filed numerically.

Enter the last page number to be used on Goods Received reports. This field defaults to zero at initial setup. Therefore, the first audit report page number prints as Page 1.


Stock Adjustments Page Number

Enter the last page number to be used on Stock Adjustments reports.


Debtors Page Number

Enter the last page number to be used on debtors audit reports.


Update Page Number



Last Worksorder Number

Micronet displays the last used works order number. You can change this if required.


Last Worksorder Page



Last Import Cost Page



Last Job Ticket Number

Micronet displays the last used job number. You can change this if required.


Last PDA Number



Last Auto Inventory

Micronet displays the last used item number. You can change this if required.


Last Customer Number

Micronet displays the last used debtor number. You can change this if required.


Last Numeric Debtor

Micronet displays the last used numeric debtor number. You can change this if required.


Last Auto Supplier

Micronet displays the last used supplier/creditor number. You can change this if required.



Technical Tip

If the Use Warehouse Numbers field on the General Configuration screen is set to Yes to allow individual audit numbers per warehouse (refer to "Edit - Program - General"), the following fields will be greyed out and you will need to enter these numbers in your Warehouse master file (refer to "File - Warehouse"):

  • Invoice Number
  • Credit Note Number
  • Held Invoice Number
  • Purchase Order Number
  • Credit Goods Return Number
  • Backorder Number
  • Last Job Ticket Number.
  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Change Existing Company screen.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE to save your changes.
  2. To see your changes take effect, you need to log back in to Micronet.

Refer to "Logging in With Updated Configuration (Method 1)" or "Logging In With Updated Configuration (Method 2)".